Beginning Spanish: Conversation and culture you can actually use!

This is a beginning Spanish class and no prior experience is required. We are thrilled to have students who have some experience with Spanish and will strive to challenge every student. Students with experience in the language will be expected to lead out in class conversation activities. Students must have daily access to a computer or device with apps. We will use DuoLingo for Schools on DuoLingo.com and SpanishDictionary.com. You will be expected to spend at least 20 minutes each weekday learning online. With cultural activities the total homework will be 2-3 hours a week. The more time you invest, the more confident you will feel on conversation days with our fluent Spanish speaking guests. Our goal is to develop courageous students who are not afraid to open their mouths in public settings where Spanish is spoken. Our classroom will be a safe place to practice courage and make mistakes. Learning a language is messy! In addition to growing our comprehension and conversation skills we will explore the geography, traditions, and religion of the many Spanish-speaking countries and strive to develop greater love for the people. Come ready to work hard, learn, have fun, and eat!
Time 2:30 - 4:30 | Ages 12-18 | Level All |
Mentors Mindy Jeppesen | Tuition $40 Winter Semester | Class Blog |
Class Schedule
Materials Required
Your favorite type of writing utensil - we will be taking notes in classStudents must have daily access to a computer or device with apps (phone). You will be able to use both or either. We will use DuoLingo for Schools on DuoLingo.com and SpanishDictionary.com (you are going to love it!). They are both free but can be upgraded to avoid ads.
The total homework will be 2-3 hours a week. Daily will be important.At least 20 minutes each weekday on a device learning Spanish, and recording new vocabulary (but it's fun - you’ll probably want to do more!) Other time will be spent researching traditions from different countries, serving in the community, and finding people who will help you practice your new skill!.
**Please do not sign up for this class if you are not prepared to do daily activities at home. Students who don't put in the time at home will be left behind and likely feel frustrated and left out of our conversation activities with native speakers.