HOMEWORK -due Oct. 12th
If you didn’t get your timeline figures in don’t forget to put them in your timeline!
Goal sheet
If you haven’t filled out and turned in your goal sheet PLEASE fill it out and bring it to class next week. This lets us know which books everyone picked to read and also if you want to participate in the bonus level. To view the awards for the different goal options go to THIS link.
It is helpful to work on your presentation a little each week. Make sure to go to this link and see what date you are going to be giving your presentation on. Remember they need to be at least 15 minutes long. Give your presentation to a family member before giving it to the class.
Addie McVey will be giving her presentations next week!
Writing Assignment
Write a 1-3 page paper responding the question on the handout about the book you read. Make sure you put your name, the date, and a title on the paper. Use the writing rubric found in your binder if you need help with formatting. Also, make sure you have a parent proofread your paper before you print it out to turn in.
Required Reading Book
Our next book selections are Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Pick the one you want to read and make sure you have it by next week. If you want to get a head start on reading it feel free to start!
Make sure to pick two other books/documentaries from the 1st semester of our SUPPLEMENTAL READING LIST to watch/read over the semester.
Weekly Reading
Don’t forget to write out your summaries of the readings in the NOTEBOOK we gave you. This will help you participate more fully in class.
- Weekly Reading in History of US:
- The New Nation chapters
- The Great Debate
- Liberty For All
- The New Nation chapters
Watch these videos to prepare for class next week
Go to this link and print out and fill out your new check in sheet for the week.