Foundations Homework over Winter Break

This is your suggested homework while we are away on winter break. Please talk with your parents about if the homework fits the needs of your family during our break. Do this homework if you parent wants you to do it!

Book Reading

So far in our class, we had read books through the lens of the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. Now we are going to read a book through the lens of slaves. The book we would like you to read is called Chains. The amazon link is found here. Remember that you can read it or listen to it!

We will have a book discussion about Chains on our first day back in January. We hope that you can find time to read this book! Write down some book discussion questions so you can be prepared to participate in our book discussion.

Memorize the Declaration of Independence

You have until the first day of class back to memorize the Declaration. Pass it off to a parent or older sibling. Contact Sister LaMont on slack when you have finished it so she can order your tshirt for you. Shirt choices are found by scrolling to the top of the blog and clicking on “Declaration of Independence”.

Family History during the Colonial Period

What do you know about your family who lived during the Colonial period? Ask a parent or grandparent or someone else to help you learn something about your family during the time period 1607-1790. (Jamestown through American Revolution) Where were they living? Can you discover anything about what they believed or what their life was like? If you found something, please bring the information to class and share it with us on the the first day back (you will need to tell us in one minute or less)