HOMEWORK -due Sept. 21st
Goal sheet
If you haven’t filled out and turned in your goal sheet PLEASE fill it out and bring it to class next week. This lets us know which books everyone picked to read and also if you want to participate in the bonus level. To view the awards for the different goal options go to THIS link.
If you have not signed up for a presentation go to this link and you can sign up. If you have signed up still go to this link and see what date you are going to be giving your presentation on.
Required Reading Book
Books need to be finished by October 5th.
We recommend reading each week:
– 60 pages a week in I Am a Man
-50 pages a week in Sacagawea
Make sure to pick two more books/documentaries from the 1st semester of our SUPPLEMENTAL READING LIST to watch/read over the semester.
Writing Assignment
Type a short 2-3 paragraph response essay sharing what you would want to bring on your trip west if you were a pioneer. More details about this writing assignment in THIS google doc. (Don’t forget to put your name and the date at the top of your paper.)
Weekly Reading
Don’t forget to write out your summaries of the readings in the notebook we gave you. This will help you participate more fully in class.
- Weekly Reading in History of US:
- Liberty For All chapter:
- Pioneers: Taking the Trail West
- Latter Day Saints
- Liberty For All chapter:
- Watch the following video clips:
- Pioneers of the Plains:
- The Mormon Trail:
- Settling Utah:
Cover Sheet
Don’t forget to fill out your coversheet.