Fundamentals of Coding: Unlocking the World of Programming

This beginner-level course is designed for students who are eager to explore the world of programming. Ideal for absolute beginners, this course introduces core programming concepts using web technologies such as PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and SQL. The course emphasizes hands-on learning through projects, peer discussions, and mentor-led instruction.

Students will start by understanding the basics of programming, including variables, data types, control structures, and functions. They will also learn good coding practices, debugging techniques, and the importance of writing readable and maintainable code. As the course progresses, students will dive into more advanced topics like data handling, object-oriented programming, and integrating databases with PHP.

By the end of the course, students will have developed the skills to build basic web applications and will be well-equipped to continue their coding journey. This course fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment, encouraging students to embrace their unique contributions and grow academically, socially, and emotionally.


2:30 - 4:30


12 +



Parr Young 

Travis Barney

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Class Blog


No prior coding experience is required for this course. However, students should possess basic computer literacy skills, including:

  • Navigating the operating system 
  • Using a web browser 
  • Managing files and folders
  • Basic typing skills

These foundational skills are essential for participating in the course activities and will not be covered during the class.

Materials Required

Each student will need the following materials for the course:

  • Windows-based PC: Each student must have their own computer running Windows. Setting up the development environment for Mac or Linux is beyond the scope of this class.
  • Administrative Privileges: Students must have administrative privileges on their devices to install and run necessary software.
  • Internet Access: Reliable internet access for downloading software, accessing online resources, and participating in any online components of the course. Internet will be provided at the building, but will also be necessary at home to complete homework.
  • Software: The software required for this course will be free, and we will work through downloading and setting up in the first class.

If there is any issue with meeting these requirements, please have a parent contact me for assistance.


Homework ExpectationsStudents should expect to complete approximately 2 hours of homework each week. The homework will reinforce the concepts learned in class through practical exercises and small projects. Here is a breakdown of the types of homework assignments:

  • Core Assignments (Estimated Time: 1.5-2 hours per week)
  • Coding Exercises: Short exercises to practice specific programming concepts (e.g., variables, loops, functions).
  • Small Projects: Simple projects that apply multiple concepts learned in class (e.g., creating a basic web page, handling form data).
  • Review Questions: Questions to review and solidify understanding of the week's topics.
  • Challenge Assignments (Optional, Additional Time: 1-2 hours)
  • Advanced Exercises: More complex exercises for students who want to deepen their understanding and challenge themselves.
  • Extended Projects: Larger projects that integrate multiple concepts and require more time and effort.

The goal is to keep the core homework within the range of 1.5-2 hours per week. However, for those students who wish to push themselves further, the optional challenge assignments are available and can extend the total homework time to about 3-4 hours.

This structure ensures that the average student can comfortably complete their homework while providing opportunities for more ambitious students to engage in additional learning.


Here are some additional details to help you decide if the Fundamentals of Coding course is right for you:

  • Interactive Learning: This course is designed to be interactive and engaging, with hands-on projects and peer discussions to enhance your understanding of programming concepts.
  • Supportive Environment: You will be part of a supportive community, with access to mentors and peers who can help you through challenging topics and assignments.
  • Real-World Applications: The skills you learn in this course will be directly applicable to real-world scenarios, preparing you for further studies in programming or a potential career in technology.
  • Flexible Learning: While the core assignments are designed to be manageable within 2 hours per week, optional challenge assignments are available if you want to push yourself further and explore advanced topics.
  • No Prior Experience Required: This course is tailored for absolute beginners, so you don’t need any prior coding experience to join. However, basic computer literacy is required.
  • Developing Key Skills: In addition to coding, you will develop important skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking, and attention to detail.
  • Fun and Rewarding: Learning to code can be fun and highly rewarding. You'll experience the satisfaction of building something from scratch and seeing your code come to life.

If you’re curious about programming and ready to start your coding journey, this course is the perfect place to begin. We look forward to having you join us!