Age Restriction

ASA is designed for students ages 12 and up. To register for fall semester, a student must be 12 by September 1.
A parent may request an exception to this policy from the Board. The Board will consider the following to determine the exception:
- a student is 12 by December 31 of the current year
- the parent’s plan for how a specific adult will supervise the student at all times while they are still 11
- the student can demonstrate that they are mature enough to participate successfully in classes
All students must be 12 or older to register for winter semester.
This policy seeks to maintain the culture and vision of ASA as a school for students ages 12-18 who are in the scholar phase of their development.
(Approved 4/2023)
Payment Policies

Tuition and Fees
Tuition due dates are listed on the calendar. Cost varies based on the class. See class descriptions for more information. All tuition is per semester unless otherwise noted.
Family Fee & Per-Student Fee
Family Fee - $150.00 (per family/year)
Per-Student Fee - $30.00 (per child/year)
- The full balance of the Family Fee is due in the spring to reserve a spot for your family for the coming year.
- The full balance of the Per-Student Fee is due in the spring to reserve a spot for each student for the coming year.
- The Family Fee & Per-Student Fee cover maintaining the facilities, training our teachers, purchasing supplies, online costs, and some event ticket costs (this will be announced if this is the case).
- Both fees are non-refundable.
- If you join ASA at Winter Semester, you will be required to pay half the required fees.
Tuition Policy
Every student must be registered and pay tuition for each class they attend even if the parent is the mentor.
Tuition must be paid in full or a payment plan must be set up for students to attend classes.
Any unused tuition at the end of the year is reallocated to the general ASA fund and reserved for future expenses.
An Operating Fee is attached to the tuition of each class. The amount of the Operating Fee is set by the Board.
(Approved 7/2023)
Tuition Information
All tuition is per semester unless otherwise noted.
- Tuition can be paid anytime between the time you register and the add/drop deadline. Late fees begin to accrue after the add/drop deadline.
- Late fees are added if tuition isn't paid by the second week of class.
Cost varies based on the class. See class descriptions for more information.
Late Fee
$10.00 (per month)
Tuition and Family Fees not paid by due dates (see above) will be assessed a late fee.
Account Adjustment Fee
$5.00 (per adjustment)
Fee is assessed after payment is made.
Add/Drop Fee
Added each time a class is added or dropped.
Payment Plan Convenience Fee
$3.00 (per payment after initial payment)
Late Payment Plan Payment Fee
$10.00 (per month)
Tuition must be paid in full or have a payment plan set up for students to attend classes!
Account adjustments MUST be made before you pay for your account. Otherwise, you will be charged a $5.00 account-adjustment fee.
We accept payment through our registration system or you can mail a check to the treasurer. If you want to pay with a check, please choose “Pay Later” at checkout. Then send your money to our treasurer's address listed on the Registration Page.
Payment Plans
Payment Plan Policy
A payment plan can be set up if a family needs to pay their account balance in installments.
The total balance due each semester is divided into monthly payments.
If a student drops a class before the add/drop deadline, a new payment plan is created. If a student stops attending classes after the add/drop deadline, the family is still responsible to pay the full balance owed.
(Approved 7/10/23)
Payment Plan Information
Use the Account Adjustment Form to request a payment plan.
The add/drop deadline is indicated on the ASA calendar.
You may not register for next semester’s classes until your balance is paid in full.
Add/Drop Policy

Students may try classes for two weeks. To change a student's schedule, you MUST make your request within four days after the second day of classes each semester (usually the Monday after the 2nd week of classes).
Please communicate with your children about what classes they are actually taking. You are responsible to pay for a class even if your student stops attending.
The cost of any books or supplies that a teacher has purchased in preparation for the class will not be refunded.
Add/Drop Deadlines
After the original registration is made, a $5 change fee per student (not class) applies to each time the schedule is changed.
Mentor permission must be given for a student to add a class after the add/drop period. Mentor will determine whether or not tuition will be pro-rated. The student may be in charge of getting their own supplies.
For most classes, there is no issue with adding at the semester. Some year-long classes may require special permission from the mentor.
Refund Policy

Refunds will be processed within two weeks. NO refunds will be considered after the drop deadline.
If you don’t drop a class but your student stops attending, you are still responsible to pay for the class as our budgets are based on the number of students registered for the class.
Tuition less the $5 charge (and any books/materials already purchased) will be refunded if you follow the drop procedure above.
Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Board.
Illness Policy

Stay home if you test positive for Covid or have any visible symptoms of any illness. Please be considerate of those around you who might get sick. ASA requires students and mentors to follow the CDC guidelines regarding isolation and quarantine when attending any ASA classes or activities.
(Approved 10/22)
Parent Volunteer Responsibilities

Aspire Scholar Academy is an officially organized commonwealth. All parent members are required to read and agree to abide by the bylaws for Aspire Scholar Academy.
1 -- Sign and uphold the Code of Conduct (see text below).
2 -- Serve in some volunteer capacity. Click here to volunteer.
3 -- Attend our two main Parent Meetings: the Fall Parent meeting (information and Q&A) and the Spring Meeting (voting in new Executive Board). Also, attend two Mentor Trainings and at least two other Parent Education Meetings per school year (S.P.A.R.K. Nights and Park Day/ Parent Colloquium days). If you cannot attend, please make arrangements to get the information from ASA Secretary.
4 -- Agree to stay informed by using current communication systems implemented by ASA.
Groups.io (like a yahoo group) is the main way ASA communicates with parents. If you don’t join, you won’t know what’s going on!
Click here to request to join the groups.io email groups and Slack.
Field Trip Policy

Parents must be notified at least 24 hours in advance with specific details if a field trip is planned–including location, time away, and special instructions. As part of the registration process, each family gives permission for students to attend field trips with ASA and to receive emergency medical treatment if the need arises during a field trip.
In order to ensure the safety of all students, every student must have their own seatbelt while riding to and from a field trip.
Students are not allowed to drive other students to or from a field trip.
MAC students are allowed to participate in walking field trips within 10 minutes from the building.
(Approved 4/11/23)
Hold Harmless Agreement

During the registration process, you will agree to the following:
As parent or guardian, I do hereby release and forever discharge Aspire Scholar Academy (board and mentors) and/or Seventh Day Adventist Church, 255 South 700 East, Provo UT and its members from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, damages, costs, expenses, loss-of-service, actions and causes of action, including each and every right of payment for damages that I may now or hereafter have against Aspire Scholar Academy and/or Seventh Day Adventist Church, 255 South 700 East, Provo UT, and its members, arising out of any act of occurrence incident to the students’ participation with the Aspire Scholar Academy or the use of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
I also recognize that Aspire Scholar Academy and Seventh Day Adventist Church are not responsible for the student leaving the premises during school hours. I, as parent, am responsible to talk to my student(s) about my personal expectations about my student leaving the premises during class or lunch. Aspire Scholar Academy does not monitor who leaves the church property.
Code of Conduct

In order to participate in classes at ASA, each student must read and sign the ASA Code of Conduct, which includes the following rules. Students will not be allowed to participate until they have turned in their completed form (usually on the first day of class).
ASA - Student Code of Conduct
- I will come to class on time, and I will be prepared to fully engage in class.
- I will attend the classes I signed up for because I recognize the time my teachers have spent preparing, and I understand my participation benefits the entire class.
- I will use technology only as directed by the mentor. I understand that a mentor can take my technology if they think it is distracting and will return it at the end of class.
- I will respect myself, property, and others.
- I will cooperate with others.
- I will follow rules set by mentors, chaperones, and the PAC to ensure my safety and the safety of others while at ASA and related activities.
- I will not engage in personal displays of affection (PDA).
- I will make sure my appearance does not distract from a positive learning environment. I will avoid wearing anything that is polarizing or divisive. I will wear shoes, and I will make sure my “rectangle” is covered on all sides.
- I will not engage in any form of harassment or bullying (verbal, visual, or physical).
- If I experience or observe any form of harassment, I will immediately speak to my parents, a mentor, or another adult at ASA.

- I will not bring a weapon to ASA. (Foam swords are acceptable to bring and play with.) Any weapons seen may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
- I will not climb on or through anything, including chair racks, tables or counters, windows, roofs, the dumpster, fences or trees located on or around the property.
- I will stay home if I test positive for Covid or if I have any visible symptoms of illness. I will be considerate of those around me who could also get sick (especially those who are immunocompromised).
Keeping ASA Clean
- I will clean up after myself and clean up trash when I see it.
- I will not eat on any carpeted area of the building.
- I will contribute to set-up and take-down as directed, and I will do my assigned cleaning job each week and will mark it off when it is completed.
- I will remove all of my personal belongings from all areas of the PAC before I leave each day.
- I will get permission from a parent before leaving campus during the school day.
- I understand that no adult will be on the premises 15 minutes after class ends. I will make sure my ride has picked me up no later than 15 minutes after the end of class.
(Date approved 4/2023)
ASA - Parent Code of Conduct
Student Success in Class
- I will help my students be on time to class.
- I will encourage my children to fully participate in class each week.
- Because ASA uses a flipped-learning model, I will consistently support my child to complete their assignments at home.
Volunteer Responsibilities
- I will model respectful behavior by being on time and being prepared in my volunteer responsibilities at ASA.
- When I am responsible for students, I will refrain from using technology excessively and instead choose to engage with students in class and activities.
- If I’m not available to complete my volunteer responsibility, I understand that I am responsible to get a replacement and inform those in charge.
- If my ability to complete my volunteer assignment changes during the year, I will notify leadership of the changes in a timely manner.
Supervision & Safety
- I understand that my children are not monitored outside of class time and mentors and ASA leadership are not responsible for knowing their whereabouts if they leave campus.
- I will actively monitor my children ages 11 or younger if with me at the PAC.
- I will ensure that my children are picked up from ASA no later than 15 minutes after the end of ASA.
- I understand that no adults are present and the building is locked before and after classes.
- I will keep my child home if they test positive for Covid or if they have any visible symptoms of illness. I also will stay home if I am sick.
Keeping ASA Clean
- I will not eat on any carpeted area of the building.
- I will help clean up after activities or classes that I’m involved with in a timely manner.
- If I’m in charge of an activity or class, I will ensure that spaces that are used are put back as the PAC requests after the activity is over.
- I understand that any item left at the PAC will be placed in the lost and found and may be donated at any time.
Interacting with Others
- I understand that ASA is a 100% volunteer organization and everyone is doing their best. I will assume good intent and practice kindness.
- If I have a concern related to other members of ASA, I will do my best to resolve my concerns with the families involved prior to involving ASA leadership.
- I will make sure my appearance does not distract from a positive learning environment. I will avoid wearing anything that is polarizing or divisive. I will wear shoes, and I will make sure my “rectangle” is covered on all sides.
- I will not engage in any form of harassment or bullying toward others (verbal, visual, or physical).
- If I experience or observe any form of harassment, I will speak to a member of the Family Support Committee or Board of Directors.

Staying Informed
- I understand that it is my responsibility to be actively engaged in official ASA communication channels to receive and respond to important information and announcements.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to read and follow ASA policies.
- I have read the Student Code of Conduct and will discuss these guidelines with my children. I will encourage them to follow the guidelines as they participate in ASA.
(Approved 4/11/2023)
Harassment and Investigation

ASA strives to have a safe, inclusive environment for all students and mentors. As such, our Harassment Policy and Investigation Policy outline rules regarding harassment and bullying, and what investigative steps are taken when a complaint of wrongdoing, harassment or bullying is made.
Additional Policies

The following living document continues to be updated with additional policies as they are approved by the Board of Directors.