Psychology - The Power Of The Mind

Are you curious about what makes people tick? Do you want to better understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and behavior? In this class, we will discover the power of the mind and unlock the mysteries of human behavior.

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It explores how people think and why they do the things they do.

The topics we will cover in class are relevant to your life – right now! Some of these exciting topics are: learning and memory, brain function, sleep and dreams, perception, personality, emotions, and social relationships. Applying the research that we learn about in class has the potential to impact your life now and for years to come. For example, you can work to develop a mindset for successful learning and studying, learn to better cope with and manage stress, and learn to more effectively communicate with others.

Psychology isn’t just based on common sense and good ideas. Instead, its foundation is real scientific research. Thus, we will dig deep into research – covering the scientific method, research methods and ethics in psychology, and how to read and evaluate research findings. As a result, your critical thinking skills will be strengthened.

If you want to not only better understand the human mind and behavior, but also make real-world applications by implementing psychological principles in everyday life, then join us this year in Psychology! 


9:30 - 11:45





Heather Nelson 

Misty Yesslith

$30 Fall Semester

$30 Winter Semester



Materials Required

Binder with paper for notes, pencil or pen.


You can expect to spend 3-5 hours each week doing homework for this class. The homework will include readings (e.g., textbook, journal articles), videos, and writing short papers. Completing the homework is essential for learning and will help you to participate more fully in class activities and discussions. 


Books Students Provide

Title: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Required: yes
Own or share with sibling? can share
Purchase here on Amazon

Title: Mindfulness for Teens in 10 Minutes a Day
Required: yes
Own or share with sibling? can share
Purchase here on Amazon

Title: Psychology 2e, OpenStax
Required: yes
Own or share with sibling? can share
Purchase here on Amazon

Note: There are two options for the textbook we will be using in class: a hardcover printed copy (shown above) OR a free online version. The content of the textbooks is identical.

If you are the type who likes a tangible textbook so that you can mark it up with pen and post-it notes and flip back easily to certain sections while in class, then order the printed copy from Amazon. If you like to do your reading online and want to save a little money, then go for the free online copy. If you go the online route, you will need a notebook to write down things that you want to remember.

Here is the link for the online version.  I do not recommend printing the online version yourself. It is over 700 pages and much of it is in color!